Walpax is a fully accredited DMC, in operation for more than 30 years, with expertise in developing tailor-made programs for FITs, Incentives, Meetings, Tour Series and Special Interest Groups to Brazil.

Our company’s strongest assets are our dedicated staff, a close network with suppliers and guides, full support of tourism authorities and a permanent goal to absorb our principal’s.

We have a team of 14 people in sales and operations – young and very passionate. The warmth of the Brazilians play an important role in the way we do business. It could be summed up as: professionals that carry their compromise to the end. Our philosophy is ‘Your Office in Brazil’.

Countries of operation:
Product categories:
Destination Management Company
Incentive / Teambuilding Organiser
Website: www.walpax.com.br
Email: brazil@euromic.com
Phone: +55 21 2430-1199